Portraits on Provider Profiles
After Feb. 23, 2021, UAMSHealth.com editors do not have access to upload media files (images, PDFs, etc.) to UAMSHealth.com. The portrait process is done internally by the UAMS web team.
Requirements for the Content of Portraits
The UAMS Office of Communications & Marketing has defined a set of minimum requirements for an individual’s portrait to be published on UAMS web properties. Take a moment to review these requirements.
Portraits Taken by UAMS Photographers
All portraits taken by the photographers in UAMS Creative Services after Feb. 23, 2021, are resized and edited by the web team and uploaded to the corresponding provider. There is no need for editors to do anything.
Allow about a week from the day the portrait is taken. If it has been longer than a week since the portrait was taken and it hasn’t been added to the provider profile, please reach out to make sure we know that a portrait was taken.
Please note that badge photos are not related to this process. They are used for badges and internal systems, but not for UAMSHealth.com.
If a provider needs to have a portrait taken by the UAMS photographers, details about the process can be found on the UAMS Creative Services website.
Portraits Not Taken by UAMS Photographers
For any portraits not taken by UAMS photographers, editors can send the photos to the UAMS web team through Box.com.
Editors for UAMSHealth.com should have been invited to a Box.com folder named UAMS Portrait Requests for Web. Editors can upload the photos to this folder.
Uploading a Photo to the UAMS Portrait Requests for Web Folder
Rename your file to use “Last_First-Middle-Pedigree”. An example is “King_Martin-Luther-Jr”. This will ensure that we know who this image belongs to.
A member of the web team will review it to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements defined by UAMS Office of Communications & Marketing. It will likely be edited, and then uploaded to the corresponding provider profile.
If your photo does not meet those minimum requirements, you will be notified. Your provider may schedule a portrait with the photographers in UAMS Creative Services.
Box Notifications
When you are added to the UAMS Portrait Requests for Web folder on Box.com, you will probably want to modify your notifications.
There is a known bug with Box.com notifications, which may interfere with your ability to override the default settings for that folder. As a workaround, you can go to https://uams.app.box.com/account/notifications and change your default notification settings for Items I’ve Joined.