Seasonal Greeting Cards Policy
Please remember the following policy regarding seasonal greeting cards.
Neither Procurement Services nor Creative Services will be able to process any requests using state funds.
State Statutes
The State Financial Management System statutes regarding Maintenance and General Operation state in part:
“The maintenance and general operation classification shall cover items of expense necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the state agency, authority, board, commission, department, or institution of higher education, except as otherwise classified in this subchapter.”
Ark. Code Ann. § 19-4-522(a) (emphasis supplied)
Subsection (d) of that statute sets out a non-inclusive list of maintenance and general operational expenses.
The Chief Fiscal Officer of the State has determined that the purchase of seasonal greeting cards and similar commodities are not necessary or a proper expenditure for the operation of state government. Accordingly, purchase orders or requests for expenditures for such items will not be authorized.
Creative Services Policy
Creative Services can create and print artwork in our Copy Center using foundation funds, which will require labor fees to be charged. If quantities or special design requests require the use of an outside print vendor, the requestor will have to pay that vendor directly.