UAMS Action Bar Block
The UAMS Action Bar block should be used to present three to four important links to your user when they first enter your site. The importance could be determined by either your organizations priorities or the actual analytics for how your site is used. It should not be a direct copy of your primary navigation.
This block should only be used once on a page. It should only be used following a Hero, Graphic title or Marketing Landing Page Header.
In almost every scenario, the background color of this block should be white. Read Backgrounds of UAMS Blocks before setting the background color of this block.
Every instance of this block must have a heading, even if it is visually hidden. The heading is still used for accessibility and SEO purposes. This heading indicates what the following items have in common.
Capitalize the text in the heading according to the AP Style rules for composition titles.
Every instance of this block must have three to four items.
Each item must have a title, a description, link text, a link URL and a link description.
The title and description should be engaging, telling the user why they should want to click through to this destination.
The button will be all that is visible on mobile breakpoints. The link text should be a brief action phrase that will make sense on its own. Do not use generic phrases like “Learn More” or “Click Here.” Do not duplicate the item heading text in this button. The link text should be unique within this block, so do not set the link text to the same thing as the link text in another item in this UAMS Action Bar block.
The link description is necessary for accessibility. It helps to distinguish between multiple links on the page that use the same link text. For example, if multiple links on the page have the same link text, but go to different destinations, screen readers will not be able to determine a difference. Your link description should adequately describe the action that is being taken by the user when they click that link. It should also be unique on the page, meaning no other link’s description should be the same value. Do not copy the link text into this field. Do not copy any related item headings into this field.
See an example of the UAMS Action Bar block below.